- republished in remembrance of the victims of the Massacre in Norway on 22nd July 2011 by the right-radical terrorist Anders Breivik
Claus Piculell,
Whereas the first days after the massacre was a time for silent mourning now is a time for intense reflection and sober analysis ...
dealing with the immediate shock caused by the heinous act by Oslo
terrorist Anders Breivik and showing personal deep sadness and
solidarity with all democrats in Norway, I think time has come to
reflect a little on the consequences of his terror, his alleged
reasons and what to do in the near future to give an appropriate
democratic answer.
it is not a time for 'pointing fingers' at political actors with
thinking and rhetoric that seems similar to that of the terrorist.
Nor do we need panic politics or ever more controls but to consider
what can be done in real life to counteract radicalization and to
encourage democratic dialogue and critical thinking so that no
overwrought ideologue can think terrorism is ever on the right side
of history.
we need is an open debate environment where people, even in the
highest places, are not afraid to admit to their mistakes and learn
from them. Consequently, everybody with a stake in politics needs to
reflect carefully on how to react to this tragedy, and of course some
need to reflect more than others about this particular incident.
it is for each active citizen to themselves reflect on what he or she
can do to prevent further instances of terrorism and to strengthen
the democracy that the terrorist wants to overthrow, and we must all
enter into a dialogue - a much belated dialogue - on what we can do
radical Right has been growing in Europe over the past decade or more
and some right-wingers have talked about a more or less unstoppable
"clash of civilisations" and that Europe is being flooded
with Muslims.
is self-evident that such rhetoric is similar to that of Breivik in
his video and manifesto. But does that mean that all people with a
Cultural Christian and Conservative stance are in any way
co-responsible for Breivik's acts of terrorism? Of course not!
course it is tempting for the European Left to consider this as
payback time against the Right for their often shallow and vindictive
persecutions of many decent and humanistic lefties for their youthful
naïve transgressions on the back of their dream of creating some
sort of Paradise on Earth - persecutions that have often prevented
fruitful self-reflection rather than promoting it.
why should the European Left stoop to such a level and turn into the
very vindictiveness that it has striven to stop? And why try to pose
as angels without flaws and faults in our baggage when no-one with
any brain activity, least of all ourselves, believe it to be true?
is filled with examples of how even the most peaceful belief or
ideology has been taken by some extreme zealot as a reason for
violence, including all major ideologies and religions.
what has often happened after an shocking instance of heinous
violence is that it has later lead serious peace-loving clerics and
ideologues to contemplate how to make their case better without
giving overzealous supporters a legitimacy that was not intended ...
poet laureate Piet Hein coined the phrase "the noble art of
losing face". Nobody has the right to demand of others that they
admit culpability for something they did not do. But any decent human
being has an obligation to reflect upon how he or she can help the
world escape another horror. For history is also full of high-minded
public figures that have admitted or accepted to have been wrong.
praised Mussolini's well-organized society only to be a major
instrument in the destruction of Fascism and Nazism. He also
mistrusted the motives of Niels Bohr intensely when Bohr approached
him to warn against the calamitous effect of nuclear weapons (and
suggested Bohr be put under house arrest) only to react with horror
at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And never has there been a more
anti-communist Prime Minister of Britain than Churchill but he was
the first state leader to propose an alliance with the Soviet Union
against Hitler.
would also do well in remembering that Breivik vehemently denies
being a nazi supporter and that he even identifies Nazism as one of
three hate ideologies (the others are Marxism and Islamism) that he
claims to be fighting but that he at the same time turns out to have
been a member of a Nazi debate forum since 2009 and that he
apparently does not see Fascism as a hate ideology ...
how did Breivik get to bomb central Oslo and gunning down innocent
Socialist youngsters? By posing as a policeman! So much for fighting
with honour! Breivik hints at his reason for doing this when he
claims that Islamists feel it justified to tell any lie to infidels
to further the cause of Islam. But while Breivik claims to be
fighting Islam in an honourable way he doesn't exactly practice what
he preaches. On the contrary, he seems to have reached the conclusion
that lies and deception are necessary for his struggle too for the
end justifies any means ...
have been watching the
video by Anders Breivik and managed to remain calm enough to make
these observations: a) much of the video could have been made by any
cultural conservative but b) Breivik claims to belong to a group that
revived the Order of Knights Templar in UK in 2002, c) he calls for a
Conservative and Christian revolution to "cleanse Europe",
d) his alleged reason for his attack on the Young Socialists was to
his "duty to decimate the Cultural Marxists".
find it important to know the enemy of all democratic-minded people's
enemy i.a. by understanding their thinking, and Brevik's
manifesto - albeit to a large degree copy-pasted from the
Unabomber's manifesto of 1995 - shows that he sees himself as more of
a European Christian-Conservative Crusader than a traditional
nationalist and that he wants to start a Conservative Revolution to
cleanse Europe of Islam and the "alliance of Cultural Marxists,
Suicidal Humanists and Global Capitalists".
Breivik basically mad?
he a stupid monster that nobody should take seriously?
he very deliberately choose to shoot very young people to provoke
'counter attacks' and / or more laws to encroach on our democratic
civil liberties?
yes - he writes a much in his Manifesto when he recommends attacks on
women and children!
we give him the satisfaction of reacting as he has planned?
think you can guess my answer to that one ...
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